Car crashes are a terrifying experience that no one ever wants to go through. It can be an awful, life-altering moment for everyone involved. (Though it may seem like) an inevitability, there are plenty of steps we can take to prevent the occurence of a car crash!

Firstly, proper maintanence is essential for avoiding accidents. We should always be sure to check our brakes and tires regularly, ensuring they're in working order before driving off. Secondly, paying attention and eliminating distractions is key. We must ensure that we aren't using our phones or getting distracted by other things while behind the wheel - this could be deadly!

Additionally, defensive driving is vital in order to avoid any possible collisions. By being aware of the cars around us and maintaining a safe distance between ourselves and them, we reduce the likelihood of an accident occurring drastically. Lastly, wearing seatbelts is incredibly important regardless of how short or long the drive may be - you never know when something might happen!

In conclusion, taking small precautions such as these can help make our roads safer and potentially save lives! While car crashes are sometimes unavoidable (which can be heartbreaking), taking the right measures beforehand can often help avert disasterous outcomes. So let's all do what we can to keep ourselves and others safe on the roads; after all - safety first!